Current menus in MUNI canteens

The current menu of meals in canteens of Masaryk University, snack bars and other food establishments can be found in the mobile application MobilKredit or in web application WebKredit


Additional information on menus

Allergens in diet

List of food allergens that are subject to legislative labeling according to EU Directive 1169/11

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1) Obiloviny obsahující lepek - nejedná se o celiakii, výrobky z nich
1a) pšenice
1b) žito
1c) ječmen
1d) oves
1e) špalda
1f) kamut

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2) Korýši a výrobky z nich

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3) Vejce a výrobky z nich

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4) Ryby a výrobky z nich

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5) Podzemnice olejná (arašídy) a výrobky z nich

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6) Sójové boby (sója) a výrobky z nich

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7) Mléko a výrobky z něj

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8) Skořápkové plody a výrobky z nich - jedná se o všechny druhy ořechů
8a) mandle
8b) lískové ořechy
8c) vlašské ořechy
8d) kešu ořechy
8e) pekanové ořechy
8f) para ořechy
8g) pistácie
8h) makadamie

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9) Celer a výrobky z něj

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10) Hořčice a výrobky z ní

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11) Sezamová semena (sezam) a výrobky z nich

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12) Oxid siřičitý a siřičitany v koncentracích vyšších než 10 mg, ml/kg, l, vyjádřeno SO2

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13) Vlčí bob (LUPINA) a výrobky z něj

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14) Měkkýši a výrobky z nich

Pricing information

Pricing information

Your specific price of meals can be found in the WebKredit lunch ordering system or on your mobile phone in the MobilKredit application.

The vast majority of ingredients in the dishes cooked by our chefs come from the Czech Republic with the aim of supporting Czech food producers and sustainability. We only use proven raw materials from permanent suppliers. We do not buy cheap low-quality food.​

The price of food provided in canteens is determined according to calculative formulas and takes into consideration the entry price of food consumed purchased via the FBS purchasing system, operating and overhead costs, the applicable rate of value added tax and, for foreign diners, a premium is calculated in the price according to the Rules for Calculating the Price of Masaryk University and SKM Management Rules. Operating and overhead costs are fixed and are fixed once a year at the end of February, according to SKM's management the previous year. The cost of meals for students takes into consideration the MŠMT subsidy and the cost of meals for staff takes into consideration the employer's contribution to the relevant calendar year.

What does that mean in practice? SKM canteens have automatic dynamic pricing. Every day, raw materials for preparing the best-affordable meals compete. Input prices enter as data into software that calculates the resulting price for the customer. The price level for the customer is therefore determined by the price of the feedstock and the SKM premium including the cost of making the meals. The current increase in raw material entry prices is the reason for the overall higher meal prices at SKM. If entry prices fall, there will be a price drop for the customer again. Everything happens automatically according to the computational formula. This is how meal prices at SKM have been determined since 2010.

We give an example: One week we buy cauliflower for 50,- CZK to prepare fried cauliflower and the price is x, but the next week we buy cauliflower for 80,- CZK and the price of fried cauliflower will be higher by the cost associated with the price of cauliflower.

With the legislative change to the VAT Act, the amount of VAT and thus the final price of the meal will automatically change.

Meal prices are listed in current menus after signing into Webkredit or Mobilkredit, on the screens in canteens and in a printed form. They are determined for individual boarders by categorizing the boarder into a group:

  • Student, full time studies.
  • Employee, employees with a right for subsidies provided by the employer. Employees will receive, together with their salary, a monetary allowance for meals.
  • Boarder without any benefit, employees without any subsidy, students of combined studies, persons outside MU.

If you use your card (ISIC, employee card) to order or purchase food, you will be charged the price according to the current category of boarder (student, employee). Otherwise, the guest price will be charged.

Categorizing MU boarders into groups is carried out by ÚVT MU based on personnel (PaMS) and study MU system (IS) data. SKM MU does not evaluate the data, only receives them, every day at 1:00 a.m.

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