On average, every Czech person throws away 57 kg of food a year. This means that for the whole of the Czech Republic it is then 600,000 tons of food waste per year. The most common reason to throw away food is to spoil it (especially vegetables and pastries). Another reason is that we cook, prepare or serve too much food. Due to these two reasons, people in the Czech Republic waste 355,000 tons of food a year.
Gradual replacement of gastro technology
We are gradually replacing old energy-intensive technology with new, less energy-intensive technology.
We managed to modernize the cooling and freezing equipment at the Vinařská canteen, using a subsidy from the program to support energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the total value of CZK 2 million, with the aforementioned subsidy accounting for 50% of the amount. The estimated energy savings are at least 40% compared to the original consumption.