E-bikes and e-scooters banned in MU buildings

Electric bikes and scooters are banned in Masaryk University buildings, including dormitories. Accommodation and Catering Services (ACS) has recently brought this rule to the attention of the students living in dormitories due to the fire hazards associated with these modes of transport. A state authority recently carried out a regular health, safety and fire risk audit which found the presence of these risks and violations of the related safety regulations.
“It is not our goal to harass students living in the dormitories and we are aware of the complications caused to some of them. That said, the safety of the residents in these dormitories is our top priority. To this end we must reduce all risks possible. And as a provider of accommodation services we are bound by the general legal regulations in the area of safety,” ACS director Kamil Kulíšek commented on the ban.