Do not miss your opportunity for accommodation grant

This year the deadline for the application for the accommodation grant is 17 April, as long as you are a full-time student whose permanent residence address is outside of the City of Brno and as long as you meet other conditions as stipulated by the MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations. You are eligible to the grant during your first bachelor, master or doctoral studies.
You can find out via IS MU whether you are eligible; and you must confirm the fulfilment of the eligibility conditions and review the necessary data as well. You will also receive the decision on the approval or denial of the grant via IS, and the same information will be sent to you via e-mail. Once approved, the grant payment will be deposited to the account given in IS, following the expiry of the 30-day appeal period. Please make sure that the account number as given in IS is still valid.
A new application must be filed for every period; i.e. 1 January to 30 June and 1 July to 31 December respectively. Be aware of the deadlines for the confirmation of the fulfilment of the conditions for the granting of the grant, as it cannot be claimed retroactively. The deadline for the confirmation of the conditions of eligibility is 15 March to 15 April for the first half-year and 1 November to 30 November for the second half-year respectively.
The amount of the grant changes based on the amount of the subsidy from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the number of students found eligible. Last year, over twenty thousand students received a total of CZK 102,015,528. The grant amounted to CZK 3,200 during the first half-year and CZK 3,171 during the second half-year.
If, as students who live in a MU hall of residence, you find yourselves in difficult life situations where the prices of accommodation and other costs related to your studies are too high, you can apply for other forms of financial assistance.
Details on the assistance programmes offered to students in life-affecting situations can be found on MU website (section Students). The website offers an overview of all forms of assistance provided by individual faculties which can be helpful in particular situations.